Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Heroes meets Shogun

Time for the Shogun DVD to be looked at, I didn't even know Masi Oka was in it. Awesome ending. Sylar alive but hurt, Matt and DL shot - no Lindeman to save them, too bad Peter (who is alive) hadn't met Lindeman. What is Angela Petrelli's power? Tell me already. From interviews we get a sense the Petrellis have lived, but everything else is in the open.

The cockroach on the manhole harkens back to the beginning of the season and we know Sylar will be back, but did he crawl away or get taken. At least Peter lives (he can heal) but we have the feeling from interviews that Nathan lives too. Did he throw Peter, gain more powers, get a shield of some sort?

All the heroes powers grew over the last few episodes, and George Takei shows he is more involved than before (in the flashbacks), and the next "volume" is called Generations. Will we find out about all the parents and the company, we are seeing some of it in the graphic novels on which is something I recommend following all summer. Right now we are learning about the Haitian and the fact his dad had power.

The finale did everything it was supposed to: brought all the heroes together, showed the explosion, saved NYC (I live close so Yeah.), and set up next years plans. Unlike some other shows there is really no questions/theories floating around (See LOST), but we have a few.

Will Uluru show up?
What does the eclipse have to do with the show? Is it a red herring?
What is Angela Petrelli's power?

I can live with that. Can you? Give me your comments.

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