Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Little Catching Up

This was the weekend that was and ended with American Idol, okay I am a little behind but hopefully it was all worth it.

The weekend really started with
The Sopranos, which was okay but didn't live up to the episodes earlier this season. Where did little Vito's issues come from? The same place as Tony's gambling problem? All to make the beating death of Vito seem more important to start off a mob war with Phil. I don't think he ever needed an excuse if this is what comes up. And now we know where Melfi was hiding....on the cutting room floor. We get it - Tony has issues with women and living up to his dad's image. There was no indelible moment like when Tony and Paulie were fishing. That is when Soprano's is at its best, not shitting on the shower floor.

After that we had yet another episode of
Entourage. How come so many of the best episodes revolve around Turtle and Drama? Just their names are fun. The relationship between all four is less catty and biting than the foursome from Sex and the City. Yet the differences between them are all the greater, at least economically and and in their physical characters. When Johnny raises his arms in the ring after being "gotten", it shows that these guys can grow and in only a few short seasons compared to the men and women on the Sopranos.

Heroes - Hands down the best show currently on TV and Masi Oka deserves an Oscar. Reading about how they had to do the different versions of Hiro, multiple times in a single day, makes this genuis one of the best actors on the tube. This time traveler needs to go back to Samurai days to beat this episode. And for those on the internet or podcasting without reading NBC's comics that fill in the show, what are you thinking. These are not fan comics, but an actual NBC Heroes addition. Read about the relationship between Petrelli and Lindeman and you will know that papa Petrelli never had a power, confirming Angela (Christine Rose) does.

Preview of
Lost - If Sawyer doesn't get revenge on the "real Sawyer" then we know the operation the Others performed was not to implant an exploding pacemaker but to remove his Cajones (burying the diamonds with Nikki and Paulo was the biggest clue). Meanwhile the episode takes place only on the island but the show does have flashbacks, they are just about Locke being with the Others. That one comes from Spoiler Fix

Can't wait for Spiderman 3 - tickets for Friday night. Will write about that after we see it (well okay sometime Saturday before the Cinco de Mayo party).

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