Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Season Finales coming and I will be LOST....

So we only have two more episodes of Heroes (the finale will be two hours) and trying to stop Ted is what is going to make Peter the exploding man. Oh the irony. I didn't see that coming, unless you have ever read science fiction or comic books or a mystery or, well you get the point. Even though some things are obvious, especially when the network shows you paintings of what will happen you still can't wait. What is Angela Petrelli's power anyway, the spoilers out there don't help, but it better be good.

LOST leaves us in 4 weeks (3 of which have new episodes) and one is a review but the finale is 2 hours here too. Again we all knew Lockes dad was the con artist in Sawyers past but it still mad the show a good one. Now we find out more about the island and the others. Note where Anthony Cooper was tied up was more ruins...ah next season - the four toed statue. Why did Rousseau need the TNT - this week or next. Will Charlie die? Will Claire and Jack find out they are related? What wouldn't Jack and Juliet tell Kate? As long as LOST doesn't starting jumping sharks we should make it until the Zombie season, and I for one will be watching.

Shot through the head and Chris is to blame, you give Tim Daly a bad name. No one can tell me you saw that coming on the Sopranos unless you are friggin psychic. Paulie and Chris making up, after Chris beats his nephew. Chris is back in the fold. Is A.J. next? Everyone else has an heir in their son, but not Tony. It is about time. A.J. isn't exactly college material but power tripping, oh hell yeah. Now we are being teased about Meadow's mystery date. David Chase doesn't do anything by luck and he had more than enough time to work this one out.

Entourage is the best 22 minutes of tv. VICTORY. Nice horse Ed Burns. If only Turtle had a story line again as his growth was some of the best on tv. Even Ari has changed in the few seasons the show has been on. Turtle was moving forward but has backslid now, at least make him Drama's "E".

What can I say about The Office. More than Toby would to respond to Creed's hanging brain. Every character seems to feed off the others so well, too bad we can't find out how many takes the "finger pointing" scene took to get done in last weeks episode. FOLIAGE. I said FOLIAGE. Stop Stop. FOLIAGE.

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