Wednesday, May 23, 2007

NBC Comedies

The Office - Go Ryan

You knew there would be a twist and Michael Scott returned as you would expect - with a horrible imitation of Arnold Schwarzenegger. "I'll be back...I am back...I am going nowhere" There is good and bad in that for all. And now we know why Ryan doesn't get coffee anymore. Too bad he is such a bad salesman. The biggest disappointment will be Dwight's.

As far as Jim and Pam go, he seems free. Did he just up and leave NY without letting Karen know. If so I can't wait for the season opener. He probably could have had the job as we know he has shown he is a great salesman and corporate wanted him to move up before. The best show on tv? If not, it has to be close.

Scrubs - to get married or not

No one can tell me that this shouldn't be the last season. From the beginning NBC has moved this off the wall comedy around and now that they are finally leaving it alone the cost is going up as most of the actors have been on the show from the beginning. Even the guest appearances have gone up in quality and we know that costs money.

Will Kim and JD have the baby - will it be healthy. What is the deal with Elliot? All comedies, and even dramas, built around unrequited sexual chemistry usually fail when the relationship is consummated. Can we go another season like this? I hope we get a conclusion and then move on. The characters have all grown and need to "get a life".

My perfect ending - Ted moves out of his Mom's house.

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